As I make this first entry, the news is being announced of Bernie Madoff's 150 year prison sentence. It is both the worst and best of times to consider the topic of grace. Evidently the judge that passed the Madoff sentence received no letters of support for him. No one wants to see him receive any kind of grace.
Yet his serious sins (theft, false witness, idolatry of money, to name just a few) are reminders that humanity is far less than perfect. And we, the far less then perfect, need God's grace.
Grace should not be confused with getting off the hook. If grace is ever to find Madoff, he will walk the path of repentance. But grace does offer a hand, guidance in walking that path. Jesus tells the story of a man who owed a large amount of money but begged for forgiveness. The gracious owner of the debt at first let him off the hook, until he discovered the big debtor left and tried to collect money owed him from a small debtor.
Grace working in our lives should change our hearts. If it doesn't then we have falsely claimed that we are accepting God's grace. Grace changes us and changes the world!