Thursday, October 8, 2009

YOB - Where Is God When You Need Help?

October 8, 2009
Job 23:1-9, 16, 17

Job is having a bad day, week, month, year. Read the first couple of chapters of the book if you forgot the story. And he is angry. For good reason. His life has been beset by calamities not of his own doing. My mother likes to remind her children, life happens to everyone. Well life is certainly happening in a very harsh way to Job.

Some friends show up to comfort him, but they are no help. They tell him he must be a sinner. His wife tells him to curse God and die. Harsh! Harsh!

Job wants to know why God is allowing him to suffer. Good question Job! And Job can't seem to find God's presence anywhere either! Another good point. I think the book of Job is in the Bible because Job says all those things that we say/think when we suffer. God does seem far away at times. There are times when we don't think we are getting a fair shake in life. We want God to know and we want to hear an explanation from God.

I know there are folks who will tell you the Bible has all the answers you need. If they mean by that there is a simple formula waiting to solve all of life's woes, then I don't agree! The answers in the Bible are often the kinds of answers that Job received -- life is mystery and is often filled with pain. What God offers in those kinds of moments is presence and comfort and the strength to grow when life happens. The Bible's answers are honest and not simplistic or stupid.

And thankfully most of us can find much better friends that Job had. I have found some who stood by me when times were dark and helped me. I pray you can do the same when you have those Job like moments.


  1. Ed & I were just talking about Job earlier. I said what was the sermon (since I missed it)? He said, "Job". I said "ugh" and didn't really pursue the conversation much further. Pretty sad, huh?

  2. We hold Job up as a model but nobody wants to be Job and yet we all have Job moments. (Believe I said something to that effect in the sermon.)
