Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today's Psalm - Are You Sure About the All Times Part?

Psalm 34 is another psalm of David's. He begins with an out there kind of statement. "I will bless the Lord at all times. . . " So now that just sounds like an invitation to trouble right? Can we have a few times maybe, David, when we might just want to gripe and complain and dispense with the blessing God?

What about when we are sick or when we are financially destitute or when our loved ones are suffering or when (fill in the time when life really leaves you down). I mean a statement like, "I will bless the Lord at all times . . " sounds like an open invitation to step into Job's shoes and suffer all manner of trouble while maintaining your faith steadfastly in God.

Oh wait, I guess that is kind of the point. Faith isn't a matter of convenience that I hold onto just cause life is going my way. Hmm. The psalm does go on to talk about good times and bad. Timidly, fearfully, grudgingly, the opening line is to be our statement of faith. "I will bless the Lord at all times . . "

Should I duck right after I say that, God?


  1. Doesn't God know all? He knows what is right and God will make the right decisions, even if I don't think they are the right ones at the time, but sure enough, down the road, I see that God was correct! I'm going to think about this some more. Thank you!

  2. I do believe God knows all. The challenge is that in the midst of my not knowing sometimes life can get pretty hard. I think the psalms give us permission to take it up with God even if at times we are pretty grumpy. Sometimes being able to be grumpy with God means I can avoid being grumpy with others. Course, sometimes I am grumpy with everyone!
